Help Us Change lives forever

Camp Lebanon depends on supporters and donors in order to continue serving young people and families. Your donation is kept right here, at Camp Lebanon, from the first penny to the last dollar. No pricey administration, no silly fees with us. Every dollar is poured right back into the camp, and then into our campers. Your donations ARE tax deductible, and can be made by check, (made out to Camp Lebanon) and then sent to 4464 Emmons Rd Oregonia, OH 45054.


Please use one of the links below to support this amazing camp and the ministry we provide for all who come through here.

Donate through Bloomerang and be added to our email database to stay up-to-date on all the wonderful things going on here at Camp Lebanon. Also, please be encouraged to join our monthly giving program and set up an amount to be donated every month!


or Donate through PayPal.